To setup regen braking and other braking features, go to Live Feed and then Brake tab.

For Variable regen braking or second throttle regen

Enabling Regen Function

Enable Bit 4 Regen Braking 

*optional* Bit 13 Variable regen with speed allows variable regen strength depending on vehicle speed conditions, I have not tested this yet so I cannot recommend it 

Set Regen brake Source to Brake 1 (this sets the regen brake signal to brake 1)

Define working range of the regen throttle (example 1.1v-4v)

Analogue Brake off voltage = The minimum throttle voltage for regen brake to engage (example 1.1v)

Analogue Brake Full Voltage = The maximum throttle voltage in which regen brake will be at 100% engagement (4v)

Regen ramping

Regen strength adjustment

Maximum braking torque % = Sets the max strength of regen braking, this is dependent on the parameter "Rated Motor Current" which is your peak motor current setting, found in the motor tab. Higher values will result in stronger regen braking.

Engine Braking Torque: This applies when you have engine braking enabled, sets the strength of throttle off regen.


Other braking features:

Bit 3 Plug Braking - This will enhance braking power at low speeds

Bit 13 Engine Braking - This is essentially throttle off regen, where rolling off the throttle will cause the motor to drag and slow down

Maximum Regen current allowed back into the battery

This is dependent on your Rated Motor Power parameter. Example: if your rated motor power parameter is set to 10000W, then setting Regeneration Battery Current Limit to 20% will allow a maximum of 2000W regen power. 

Calculated Max Regen Battery Current 

If your too lazy to do math, then add this parameter manually. It will automatically calculated the max regen current that is allowed to flow back into your battery based on your settings.